China Today
China Focus
A Plus Role

President Xi Jinping reiterates China's commitment to cooperation and multilateralism at SCO Summit.

15:30, 07-12, 2024
Reforms Generate Economic Steam

A surging influx of international visitors to the Middle Kingdom is reflected in the prominent “China travel” buzzword on social media.

15:11, 07-24, 2024
Aiming Far Beyond the Moon

Understanding the importance that the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) attaches to science and technological development.

16:27, 07-19, 2024
Transcending the Future in Urban Design

China and Spain's Urban Planners explore the path to future-oriented urban development in a dialogue.

14:59, 07-18, 2024
A Milestone on the Road to Chinese Modernization

Both the plenary session resolution and the statements made at the press conference are enormously significant. They are a benchmark for global confidence in China's future path.

09:32, 07-26, 2024
The interplay of development and governance in China's modernization strategy

Since 1978, China's policy of reform and opening up has been pivotal in propelling the nation toward big achievements.

14:42, 07-22, 2024
Why Is China's Modernization Important for the World?

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that convened in Beijing from July 15 to 18 will be a milestone in seeking to find solutions to some tricky economic problems in a complex, global environment.

14:39, 07-22, 2024
SCO Offers the Path to Economic Boom for Expanded Region

China has also advocated promoting more convenient interconnectivity and more fluent trade among SCO members in the region.

09:32, 07-12, 2024
Global Security Initiative: Harmony in Peacebuilding

The Global Security Initiative defines it as a security governance structure centered on the United Nations, and its efforts are to prevent wars and lead post-war reconstruction.

09:31, 07-12, 2024
A Hope for Mutually Beneficial Arrangement to Resolve EU CVD on Chinese BEV

The unilateral EU CVD on Chinese BEVs, if becomes permanent, will have serious and lasting consequences in various aspects.

09:28, 07-12, 2024
Five Principles as Relevant Today as 70 Years Ago

A conference marking the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, a cornerstone of Chinese foreign policy, was held in Beijing on June 28, attracting attendees from around the world, including former political leaders from some 20 countries.

09:30, 07-08, 2024
The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: Blazing Hope and Clarion Call

The vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind is the most effective move to sustain, promote and upgrade the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in the new circumstances.

09:56, 07-05, 2024
China Promotes Global Economic Growth Amid Perils of Protectionism

The 2024 Summer Davos Forum has delivered a clear signal for building an open world economy, safeguarding the free trade system, and promoting globalization to develop toward a fairer and universally beneficial direction.

09:52, 07-05, 2024
Global Development Initiative: Common Prosperity and Interdependence

Both the GDI and the BRI are important international cooperation initiatives and important global public goods provided by China to the world.

09:49, 07-05, 2024
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