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Asia’s Key Contribution to Globalization

2019-05-17 11:31:00 Source:China Today Author:
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by staff reporter    Liu Dong

An Interview with Former President of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

The former president of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal Arroyo accepted an interview with China Today. When speaking of the unique characteristics of Asian civilization and its contributions to the promotion of regional integration, she noted that the new historical phase and new kind of globalization that is being ushered in will prosper in the East rather than the West.

"If we look back through Asian history, we realize that globalization really started with the Silk Road. That was a regional contribution to globalization," She said.

She noted that the early leaders of global development were China and Asian countries in general, but that all changed in the 16th century with the rise of western colonialism. As a result of the Western domination of the world, she said, “It began to take over development and promote its own model of development.”

When commenting about the modern transition of development between Asia and the West, she said, “Now there is a new era, and as the U.S. policies turn conservative, it is good to see that the last 40 years have made China prosperous and a leader in the world economy. And now what we see is a transitioning of the center of trade from the West to Asia.”

Looking at the future of Asia’s role in global development, Arroyo is very optimistic. She pointed out, “We may see the world come around in a full circle back to what it was 2,000 years ago, where the Silk Road was the center of globalization. At that time, we will see a new globalization in the East rather than in the West.”

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