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Lesson 10 Visiting a Patient


珍妮: 马克, 听说 你 发烧 了, 我 和 陈老师 来 看看 你。

Zhēnní: Mǎkè, tīngshuō nǐ fāshāo le, wǒ hé Chén Lǎoshī lái kànkan nǐ.

Jenny: Hi, Mark, we heard you had a fever. Mr. Chen and I have come to see you.

马克: 谢谢 你们。

Mǎkè: Xièxie nǐmen.

Mark: Thank you.

陈老师: 你 去没去 医院 看病?

Chén Lǎoshī: Nǐ qùméiqù yīyuàn kànbìng?

Mr. Chen: Did you go to see a doctor?

马克:去 了, 输液 了, 还 开 了 些 药。

Mǎkè: Qù le, shūyè le, hái kāi le xiē yào.

Mark: Yes, I went to the hospital to get an intravenous infusion and some medicine.

珍妮:你 觉得 好点 了 吗?

Zhēnní: Nǐ jué de hǎo diǎn le ma?

Jenny: Are you feeling any better?

马克: 好 多 了, 已经 退烧 了。

Mǎkè: Hǎo duō le, yǐjīng tuìshāo le.

Mark: Yes, the fever has gone and I feel much better.

陈老师: 记得 按时 吃药, 别 着凉。

Chén Lǎoshī: Jìde ànshí chīyào, bié zháoliáng.

Mr. Chen: Don't forget to take your medicine on time, and don't get a chill.

马克: 我 想 明天 就 去 上课。

Mǎkè: Wǒ xiǎng míngtiān jiù qù shàngkè.

Mark: No, I want to go to school tomorrow.

陈老师: 别 着急。 落下 的 课程 我 会 给 你 补上。

Chén Lǎoshī: Bié zháojí. Làxià de kèchéng wǒ huì gěi nǐ bǔshàng.

Mr. Chen: Don't worry. I will help you to catch up on the classes you missed.

珍妮: 我们 给 你 买 了 点 水果。 你 好好儿 休息, 注意 营养。

Zhēnní: Wǒmen gěi nǐ mǎi le diǎn shuǐguǒ. Nǐ hǎohāor xiūxi, zhùyì yíngyǎng.

Jenny: We bought you some fruits. You should have a good rest and make sure you eat well.

马克:谢谢 你们 的 关心。

Mǎkè: Xièxie nǐmen de guānxīn.

Mark: Thanks for your concern.


New Words

1. 发烧 fāshāo  fever

2. 输液 shūyè   infusion

3. 开药 kāiyào  prescribe

4. 着凉 zháoliáng  catch a cold

5. 着急 zháojí      anxious

6. 课程 kèchéng   class

7. 水果 shuǐguǒ    fruit

8. 营养 yíngyǎng   nutrition

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VOL.59 NO.12 December 2010 Advertise on Site Contact Us