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At a Restaurant


服务员: 欢迎 光临, 请 坐。

Fúwùyuán: Huānyíng guānglín, qǐng zuò.

Waiter: Welcome, have a seat please.

马克: 请 给 我 看看 菜单。 珍妮, 你 想 吃点 什么?

Mǎkè: Qǐng gěi wǒ kànkan càidān. Zhēnní, nǐ xiǎng chīdiǎn shénme?

Mark: Can I look at the menu, please? Jenny, what would you like to eat?

珍妮: 听说 这里 的 水煮鱼 很 有名, 你 吃过 吗?

Zhēnní: Tīngshuō zhèlǐ de Shuǐzhǔyú hěn yǒumíng, nǐ chīguo ma?

Jenny: I've heard that this restaurant is famous for spicy fish. Have you ever tried that?

马克: 我 没 吃过, 点 一份 尝尝 吧。

Mǎkè: Wǒ méi chīguo, diǎn yífèn chángchang ba.

Mark: No, I haven’t. Let’s give it a shot.

珍妮: 我 吃过 糖醋 排骨, 很 好吃, 点 一份 吧。

Zhēnní: Wǒ chīguo Tángcù Páigǔ, hěn hǎochī, diǎn yífèn ba.

Jenny: I once had the spareribs in sweet-sour sauce. They’re delicious. We can order that.

马克: 好。 素菜 就 要 红烧 茄子 吧。

Mǎkè: Hǎo. Sùcài jiù yào Hóngshāo Qiézi ba.

Mark: Ok. And we can order the braised eggplant as the vegetable dish.

服务员: 您 喝 点儿 什么?

Fúwùyuán: Nín hē diǎnr shénme?

Waiter: What would you like to drink?

马克: 我 要 一瓶 啤酒。

Mǎkè: Wǒ yào yìpíng píjiǔ.

Mark: A beer please.

珍妮: 我 要 一杯 橙汁。

Zhēnní: Wǒ yào yìbēi chéngzhī.

Jenny: I will have a glass of orange juice.

马克: 真 好吃 呀,我 都 要 吃 撑 了。

Mǎkè: Zhēn hǎochī ya, wǒ dōu yào chī chēng le.

Mark: That was good. I’m totally full.

珍妮: 是 啊, 中国菜 真 是 好吃 极 了。

Zhēnní: Shì a, Zhōngguócài zhēn shì hǎochī jí le.

Jenny: It was! Chinese food is really delicious.

马克: 服务员, 结帐。 一共 多少 钱?

Mǎkè: Fúwùyuán, jiézhàng. Yígòng duōshǎo qián?

Mark: Waiter, can I get the bill? How much is it altogether?

服务员: 一共 一百 元。 这 是 您 的 发票。

Fúwùyuán: Yígòng yìbǎi yuán. Zhè shì nín de fāpiào.

Waiter: Altogether 100 yuan. Here is your receipt.


New Words

1. 菜单     càidān         menu

2. 水煮鱼  Shuǐzhǔyú   fish filets in hot chili oil

3. 糖醋排骨 Tángcù Páigǔ   spareribs in sweet-sour sauce

4. 红烧茄子 Hongshāo Qiézi  braised eggplant

5. 啤酒        píjiǔ                    beer

6. 橙汁       chéngzhī             orange juice

7.结账       jiézhàng               get the bill

8.发票      fāpiào                    receipt

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VOL.59 NO.12 December 2010 Advertise on Site Contact Us