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2012-06-06 15:54 作者:本刊记者 孙雷


国大党发言人Shri Manish Tewari

We believe India and China are two countries that can and should rise in the region simultaneously. The ascent of both countries is not confrontational, nor adversarial; it is mutually beneficial. When discussing the 21st century, people often term it the Asian Century. That's our shared destiny. We believe, despite the India-China border demarcation issue, that there is enough room for our countries to cooperate on regional and global issues. Both China and India have a role to play in regional and global affairs. The rise of one is not at the cost of the other.

   --Shri Manish Tewari, spokesperson of the Indian National Congress Party.


印度共产党(马克思主义)领导人Shri Sitaram Yechury

China is in a very dynamic situation. The way in which China has met the globalization, the way it is overcoming difficulties by shifting its entire economic strategy to domestic demand, that is a very important lesson for us and the world. In terms of the relation of the two countries, I think there is strong good will from both sides to improve it... Yes, there are traditional disputes we have over borders. There are different perceptions we have over the positioning in South Asia between China and India. But I think all these can be overcome through a process of bilateral dialogue.”

   -- Shri Sitaram Yechury(center), leader of Communist Party of India (CPI -M)


人民党发言人Shri Prakash Javedkar

“We think India and China can be great friends. Not only because we are neighbors. Not only because we’re growing phenomenally even in a slowing down world. We’re the only two countries growing ahead with six percent and you are nine or ten percent. So this is a new Asian power. So the world balance is now shifting toward this. So we can be in peace with each other. We have problems. Those problems, I won’t think they are unsolvable.”

-- Shri Prakash Javedkar(center), spokesperson of BJP.




印度外交部外宣司司长Shri Sailas Thangal

The launching of Agni-V is beautiful, but the commentary is ugly. None of the scientists, the head of the project have ever mentioned we are looking at china. Nothing of that sort was ever mentioned. What they said is that now we are happy to be in the club of elites who have launched long-range missiles, like the U.S, Russia and China. We don’t name any country…As Premier Wen said at the opening of the cultural program and also a couple of times there is space for both countries to coexist prosperously.”

-- Shri Sailas Thangal, external publicity director, Ministry of External Affairs



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