
Coffee Growing in a Tea Town


 Wouter’s wife and two children, both of whom were born in Pu’er

Old China Hand

Hou Jiazhi and Luo Yucheng acclaim Wouter a model boss, while Wouter accredits the success of Nestlé’s operation in Pu’er to teamwork. “Nobody can accomplish the mission on his or her own. You need a team that is fully confident in the company plan, united and committed to the set goals,” he said.

Wouter was newly wed when he first came to Pu’er. Both of his two daughters were born here. He said when his family leaves the country, they will all feel fulfillment and happiness, as they have enjoyed living here. It always delights him when told by locals he is an “old China hand,” as it means he has merged well into the local community.

“I have worked and lived in China for nine years, all in Pu’er. I like the city, it is beautiful,” Wouter concluded at the end of the interview with China Today. Pu’er, the city named after the fermented dark tea, now takes on a dual reputation for coffee: 98 percent of Chinese coffee is grown in Yunnan Province.

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