
Key Chinese Concepts




/shényùn /


Elegant Subtlety





This term refers to the subtle elegance of literary and artistic works. It was originally used to depict a person’s mien and manner. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, the propriety inherent in a person was valued, whereas during the previous Han Dynasty, a person’s external appearance was stressed. Later on, this concept was incorporated into the theory of calligraphy and painting to refer to the elegant subtlety of a work. In the Ming Dynasty, the concept was extended to the theory of poetry, and elegant subtlety became a requirement for composing poetry. Later, Wang Shizhen of the Qing Dynasty further developed the theory of elegant subtlety. In compiling The Elegant Subtlety of the Tang Poetry, he elaborated on his aesthetic views. In his writings on poetry theory, Wang Shizhen championed these views and created his own unique poetical aesthetics, enriching the theory of elegant subtlety, and making it a major school of the Qing-dynasty poetics.


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Just as gentle breeze touching one’s face and the river flowing past, a good poem has elegant subtlety permeating its lines. (Lu Shiyong: A Comprehensive Digest of Good Ancient Poems)






I have read the works by poets of the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties and found their poetry mean-spirited, trivial, and depressing. They were far less bold and daring than those poems written between the Kaiyuan and Yuanhe periods of the Tang Dynasty. Worse still, they did not have the slightest traces of the elegant subtlety and inspiring imagery that were evident in the poetry written in the State of Chen during the Northern Dynasties and in the Sui Dynasty when poetry was already in decline. (Wang Shizhen: Foreword to Poetry by the Mei Family)










Imagery refers to a typical image in literary works, which embodies the author’s subjective feelings and unique artistic conceptions. Yi (意) literally means an author’s feelings and thoughts, and xiang (象) refers to the image of a material object in the external world, an artistic image reflecting the author’s thoughts and feelings. In literary creation, imagery often refers to those images in nature with which an author’s feelings and thoughts are associated. Emphasizing the harmonious relationship between beauty in both form and content, it is a mature state of literary creation.


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An author explores the imagery in his mind, conceives a work, and writes it down. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)






What a wonderful state of nature it is when the imagery of a poem is about to emerge! (Sikong Tu: Twenty-Four Styles of Poetry)