
The Chinese Dream and China’s Development Mode

By Lin Shangli

Vice Principal of Fudan University




The Chinese Dream is not only an aim, but also the internal mechanism of China’s development. For concrete goals, the Chinese Dream seeks national prosperity, national rejuvenation and people’s happiness. As the internal mechanism, the Chinese Dream endeavors to connect the nation’s development with the individual growth by motivating individual initiative and creativity to enhance the nation’s strength. So, the Chinese Dream is an inevitable cog in China’s development mode and, at the same time, the key to the success of China’s development.

With the largest population in the world, China has seen miracles along with its breakthrough transition and rapid development. The country’s unique development mode is the key to the miracles. Through long-term exploration and practice, under the effective leadership of the CPC, China has utilized its socialist system to combine the nation’s ambition, individual vigor and social unity as the three core factors promoting steady social transition and development. These three core factors have been transformed into positive energy for the country’s development. The Chinese Dream strives to better stimulate the potential of these factors in future eras so as to guarantee China’s further development.

Firstly, the Chinese Dream has set a new goal for the nation’s development, and made clear that in the future, the nation will seek more effective leadership to command the entirety of development, more reforms to kindle the power of development and more effective governance to guarantee sustainable development.

Secondly, the Chinese Dream has given Chinese people new expectations and enlightened the public with new individual hope as well as for the country. The Chinese people can better plan for themselves and independently develop, which will spark new social vitality and motivate the development of the country.

Lastly, the Chinese Dream is one of a united society that allows all the people to take part in the nation’s progress. It consolidates the power of the people, which promotes the country’s development, ensuring consistent structure, social consensus and joint forces for the nation’s development.

Without the last 35 years of development, today’s Chinese Dream would not exist. Based on China’s development mode, the Chinese Dream will become the engine of the country’s future developmental miracles.