
Shandong’s Agricultural Exports Win the World’s Trust


Food is the most important human necessity and a top priority for policymakers. Recent food safety scandals have severely challenged China’s agricultural exports.Quality and safety, therefore, have become hinge issues in Chinese agriculture.

In the face of international competition and cooperation, the local government of Shandong Province is improving the quality and safety of its agricultural exports. As a major agricultural producer and exporter, Shandong strives to overcome technical barriers and modernize agriculture. The government also recognizes the importance of food safety for economic growth and human benefit. Through a series of measures, the province has effectively strengthened management over agricultural exports and their international competitiveness, building a strong reputation at home and abroad.

In 2013, Shandong’s agricultural exports reached US $15.21 billion, accounting for 22.7 percent of the national total, its value of exports ranking No.1 in the country for 15 consecutive years. Meanwhile in the same year the acceptance rate of Shandong’s agricultural exports was above 99.95 percent.


 Shouguang City in central Shandong hosted the 15th China International Vegetable Science and Technology Fair in April 2014.

Years of Exploration

The Shandong provincial government pays close attention to the safety of food and agricultural products. Since 2007, the province has led the country by establishing quality demonstration areas for agricultural exports and established six systems to guarantee food safety and reliability. After years of efforts, demonstration areas have been established in 78 counties around the province, effectively improving the quality and safety of agricultural products. These measures have solidified the province’s stature as one of China’s leading agricultural exporters.

This year, with the support of the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, Shandong Province took the initiative to become a model province for quality and safety of agricultural exports, boosting the development of domestic and foreign trade. By 2017, the province hopes to achieve the following goals: to construct a standardized system for the whole industrial chain; to lead the country in brand building; to further enhance market competitiveness; to achieve more efficient and convenient market circulation, and to raise quality and safety standards.


Construction of the Safety System   

In recent years Shandong Province has made huge efforts to improve quality and safety management with a focus on quality demonstration areas for agricultural exports.  Through the establishment of new regulatory systems, Shandong aims to ensure that its agricultural exports are produced safely and come from reliable sources.

In order to improve safety standards, Shandong Province actively sets standards for its agricultural exports and encourages agricultural enterprises to apply for certification from international organizations.

In order to better control the usage of agricultural chemicals, the Shandong provincial government has issued strict regulations on the use of chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides. Meanwhile, the agricultural, animal husbandry, and fishery departments are strengthening oversight on chemical use, while inspection and quarantine departments are responsible for recording chemical usage at every stage of production.

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