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Reasons Behind China's Stance
2010-12-13 09:32

Principle of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is both the target and method to tackle climate change effectively. China’s Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change 2010 Report puts forward that the right to develop of developing countries should be guaranteed. Under the framework of sustainable development, a win-win outcome should be sought in the trade-offs between economic growth, poverty elimination and climate change response measures.

Mitigation and Adaptation; Financial Support and Technology Transfer

China has always attached equal importance to mitigation and adaptation and believed mitigation is especially important for developing countries. The capital and technology provided by developed countries are the indispensable means and guarantees for these measures to be realized.

Su Wei expects that the Cancun Conference will set relevant regulations to free up financial support, technology transfer and assistance with capability building for developing countries, though the regulations may not necessarily be legal binding.

Su also says that although the problem was originally caused by the steep accumulation of greenhouse gases by developed countries, the serious consequences have greatly impacted developing countries. Developing countries need to take mitigation and adaptation measures within their power in accordance with their respective conditions and within the framework of sustainable development, but developed countries should take the responsibility and obligation to offer assistance on finance and technology. The consensus on this is the foundation for the talks at the Cancun Conference.

China's Developing Country Status

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has explained for many times about China’s current status as a developing country. However, some skepticism keeps challenging China’s current development situation with the intention of imposing more undue duties and responsibilities on China.

Xie is clear that China is still a developing country, with its per capita GDP of over US $ 3,700, ranked below the top 100 countries in the world. According to the poverty line set by the UN, over 150 million people in China live below the poverty line. China needs to develop its economy, improve people’s livelihoods and raise people’s living standards. At the same time, the country has to tackle climate change and control greenhouse gases emissions. The country faces heavy dual task.

The Convention and the Protocol stipulate that developing countries should take measures to control greenhouse gases emissions upon receiving financial assistance and technology transfers from developed countries. But now, without either kind of aid, China has taken the initiative to cut its emissions by utilizing its own resources, a move that shows the Chinese government’s firm intent to tackle climate change.

Before the Copenhagen Climate Conference in 2009, China set itself targets that by 2020 it will improve on 2005 levels in four key areas: reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 40 to 45 percent per unit of GDP, raise the use of non-fossil energy to 15 percent of primary energy consumption, increase its forests by 40 million hectares, and their growing stock by 1.3 billion cubic meters. Also it unveiled its action plan. However, to attain the target requires enormous efforts.

Xie Zhenhua holds that the low-carbon route is the only way for China to balance its development needs with emission reduction. Achieving a low-carbon economy requires China to transform its economic development pattern and conduct energy restructuring. Xie also says the overall planning for developing a green low-carbon economy has been included in China’s 12th Five-year and 13th Five-year plans. In 2010 the first group of low-carbon pilot projects in five provinces and eight cities were launched.

Xie is sure that China will continue to take supporting economic and legislative measures to tackle climate change. In addition, China will enhance public awareness in this regard by pushing forward innovative technology, providing scientific support and encouraging public participation. The hope finally rests on people -- that they will embrace a more environmentally friendly lifestyle and consumption habits. All the measures China has taken and is going to take will ensure the achievement of the emission reduction targets it set for 2020.

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