On-the-Spot Report

Officers patrol Tian'anmen Square on "intelligent motocycles"

By staff reporter Yu Xiangjun

    Officers patrol Tian'anmen Square on "intelligent motocycles" during the 'political season in Beijing when NPC and CPPCC sessions are in full swing. The chariot-like vehicles each carry a camera that can transfer images to a control center. The vehicle does does 20 km/h, handles well, and can turn on a dime too.

 No it's not a futuristic Ben-Hur - officers patrol Tian'anmen Square on "intelligent motocycles" during the annual NPC and CPPCC sessions.

 The Segue like vehicles have eyes that transmit images to a control center.

 This pair of sleek smart vehicles were sure to draw some journalists' attention away from the "two sessions."

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